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“She had boldness and courage” – a missionary moment

By Shirley Nyasha

The Youth With a Mission discipleship school has always used western methods of teaching, but recently the African staff developed an oral version which has helped students in rural areas understand and know God more in a different way. One student struggled to speak and share because he felt he had nothing to share, but during and after the training, he found out it was possible and found it simple to share and lead others in the discussions.  He found the method simple and easy to reproduce.

Esther is a lady from South Sudan.  Because of the war in her village, she only did 7 years of schooling. She can’t read and write well.  Being a refugee in Uganda, she couldn’t finish her school.  Staffer Shirley Nyasha saw this lady blossom throughout the week of staff training: “From the first day, she was filled with fear, doubts and a lot of negative self-talk about how she is not educated and will not be able to teach others and having the confidence to volunteer to take the first week of storytelling.  Later, long after the training, she would share how she had the boldness and courage to share in front of many people at a funeral.  She shared the stories she had learnt during the training.” It made a real difference.  Read more about this oral discipleship training at

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