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“My sister told me I was wasting my life” – a missionary moment

I am a trained nurse, but my heart continued to ache for the unreached after going on short-term missions trips in my younger years.  After three years of nursing, I felt it was time to go into missionary work.  I joined Global Link Afrika in Uganda and began raising support.  It was quite a challenge since I was used to making a salary!

My family did not agree with my decision and kept wondering whether I had lost my senses. My auntie said, “Missionary work is for people who have already developed themselves and have saved enough money to support themselves.” My sister told me that I was wasting my life.

These statements haunted me and finally, I had to switch off my phone after I had gone out to the field even without raising all of the needed support. Despite my personal obstacles, my fellow missionaries and I were able to establish a community fellowship where we would meet every Wednesday and share the gospel.

Eventually, my family accepted that I had made up my mind to serve God and towards the end of the first year in mission, I received support from my father.  Since then, they understand better my commitment to God’s call on my life. After that first mission, I signed up for another year among a difficult Muslim people group in a foreign country where it is only possible to go in with professional skills and not as a missionary.  I thank God for the chance to serve him and I’m praying about what he has for me next!!

-Ugandan missionary nurse

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