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Missionary profile – Wondimu Woldeyohannes

By Mercy Kambura

Wondimu Woldeyohannes, Ethiopia

I left my job at the Wushwush coffee plantation and became a missionary. The Lord is using me to reach out to people who are under the fear of witchdoctors in the Kafa Region. I’m one of the third batch of graduates of Bonga HubSchool, a missionary training school of the Ethiopian Kele Heywet Church (EKHC).

As I was thinking and praying about how I could win the people of the village, a widow and her children came to my mind. Her family’s life was plagued by problems after her husband was killed by the people of the village. She couldn’t benefit from the land she has and there were no relatives to help her fix her dilapidated house. I decided to support this widow and use her as the door to the village.

I took the evangelism group and built her house in three days. After a little while, seeing how the Lord had helped build her life back, she and her children received Jesus. As a result, 15 of the villagers touched by the group’s good deeds, opened their hearts to believe in Jesus. Now the church is planted on the plot of land given by the widow. Praise the Lord!

As the requirement of the HubSchool school, I have 16 young people that I’m discipling and teaching what I’m learning. I’m leading them to preach the gospel in various villages. We’re facing persecution from the opponents of the gospel. One time, we were were beaten and injured when we tried to proclaim the gospel in a village. But we didn’t lose heart.

Despite the persecution, we are witnessing miracles happening. One man, Ashenafi, was the chief opponent of the gospel, and he was severely persecuting me. Suddenly his son became paralysed and he tried everything he could to get healing for his son. He brought Orthodox Church priests, took him to the hospital and to the witch doctors, but no one can heal him.

Finally, he called us to his home. We went and commanded the paralysed son to stand and walk in Jesus’ name. The son stood and began to walk. Because of this miracle, all eight members of the family believed in Jesus.

One day, returning home from the Bonga HubSchool for field practice, five persons brought a mute girl to tempt me. I only called the name of Jesus and the girl began to talk. Seeing the miracle, all five persons believed in Jesus. There are more stories of miracles in our ministry, and we praise God for drawing people to Himself through these miracles.

We have now planted three churches In my field practicum. We are on fire to penetrate the closed doors of many villages that are under the bondage of the witch doctors. May the God of the harvest use us mightily!

Please #pray:

  • For the new believers and the new churches at various places of the country.
  • For the many new churches being planted by the students and graduates.
  • For the provision to build prayer houses.

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