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Missionary profile – Winnie Katunge

By Mercy Kambura

Winnie Katunge

Missionary and Mobiliser on the Kenyan Coast

My dream was to be a lawyer. But we were too poor to afford a decent education; I dropped out of school in grade eight. But God had better plans for me; He qualified me to be a missionary.

Now, I’m a different advocate who points people to the judge of the whole earth and His mercies and love. I’m now serving as a mobiliser in the Muslim-dominated coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya.

I spend my days creating mission awareness in churches, learning institutions, and individuals. We use training such as Disciple Making Movement (DMM), Discovery Bible Study (DBS), and Kingdom Takers Training (KTT).

We deploy missionaries and organise Christians to pray and support the work of missions. I also identify people with a passion for missions and send them to the CAPRO school of missions.

My journey to and in missions hasn’t been easy – my education level has always been a source of pain. I was a bright student with a desire to study as high as possible, and I suffered from low self-esteem.

When I got born again, a friend introduced me to CAPRO, which was instrumental in my Christian growth. I had a passion for souls and began doing evangelism. CAPRO missionaries shared with me about reaching out to the unreached people groups.

My passion for souls was fuelled, and they accepted to train me as a missionary.

I thank God for who I am today.

The Church should know that Its responsibility is to take the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He left a command to the disciples that they should go to all nations and preach the gospel.

May the Church in Africa respond to the work of missionaries, to produce missionaries and send them, pray for them and support them financially and morally because the Church in Africa is rich with resources and manpower.


  • For my passion for souls and my love for God and His people to increase.
  • For my vision of reaching out to the Muslim world to be accomplished.
  • For God to raise people who will support me in my ministry. Raising financial support is difficult; I pray that more people will partner with me on this journey.

Copyright AfriGO 2022

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