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Missionary profile – SW

By Mercy Kambura

Missionary SW

Kenyan Missionary

I was 13 years old when I accompanied my pastor and the church elders to visit a missionary in the mission field. I witnessed a hunger for the Lord unlike anything I had seen before; their need for God was raw and pure; I hadn’t seen that in my backyard. As we prayed for people and talked to them about Jesus, my call to be a missionary became crystal clear. I’m now a missionary in a Muslim community.

I was brought up by my grandmother after my Mom died in 2000. She took me to school and to the church where I met Jesus. I had such a deep desire to be a pastor, that my answer to, “what do you want to be when you grow up?’ was always, “a pastor!”

After my secondary education, I studied guidance and counseling. Later, I enrolled in a course in animal health. I felt God wanted me to reach out to a pastoralist people group, and knowledge of animal health would come in handy.

I attended a youth camp organized by my church. In that camp, the Lord told me, “Go, don’t wait until you grow up.”

Afterward, I signed up for a missions course at the Ukunda Missions School. After the seven-month training, we went as missionaries to an island for a year. 

I informed my church of my desire to be a missionary. They blessed and released me to go as a missionary, and are still supportive morally and prayerfully. However, I do not receive any financial support from them. My bishop supported me from his personal accounts until his death. 

I have been searching for a mission agency to work with, but none has had a vacancy for me yet.

Many unreached people are waiting for someone to go and take the Gospel to them. Who is this someone? It’s you and me.

There are many independent missionaries who just obeyed the call and went to the unreached. They are awaiting someone to come and support them. Let’s find them and support them. 


  • For me to get a sending organization, I’ve reached out to a few without success.
  • For financial support as I continue spreading the Gospel.
  • For wisdom and boldness as I continue reaching out to the unreached.

Representative photo

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