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Missionary profile – Samuel Afrifa

By Mercy Kambura

Ghanaian Ashanti missionary among the Mamprusi

As a short-term missionary in northern Ghana, my heart was broken for the unbelieving nation I was reaching. I cried to God, “Lord, please send your Church here!” This became my daily plea until one day, God asked me, “How about I send YOU?” I was baffled, and it ironically took me eight more months to accept that call. I’m now serving in northern Ghana as a missionary.

Having grown up under strict Methodists, church attendance was compulsory. I gave my life to Jesus countless times, and every touching sermon drove me to answer the altar call. I didn’t enjoy church much, though, and was always very self-conscious about how others saw me. I kept my posture and attitude “honourable.”

When I was in Junior Secondary School, we were praying with friends when I finally gave my life to Christ. I got a profound joy that I couldn’t explain; I no longer cared what people thought of me when singing to God. I just wanted to make God happy.

I first heard about cross-cultural missions when I was in college. I had never been told about taking the Gospel to other people; this was my first encounter with people living and dying without Christ. I joined Excellent Youth Outreach (EYO), and we used to pray for the nations during camps and other meetings. I didn’t have a personal conviction to be a missionary myself.

I joined Operation Serve after university and signed up to do my Youth Service among an unreached people group in northern Ghana. I saw many communities without churches, lots of Islam and idol worship, and my heart was moved for them. I asked God, “So many people need salvation; what would you want me to do?”

I did more short-term mission trips to the region, and the people would ask us, “Can you bring us a church?” I went to God on their behalf and asked Him, “Lord, when are you sending the Church? You have to touch the Church. The Church must come to this place.”

I didn’t think it’d be me. But the fire in my heart started intensifying. Knowing the challenges ahead, I wanted to be 100 per cent sure that God was sending me there. I didn’t know how to hear and know that it was God and not my emotions talking.

Many people told me to get my life in order, get a job, save some money, and secure my future.

Some said, “It’s risky; how will you get a wife?” After praying and fasting, I signed up as a full-time missionary. I have been here for six years now. We have a target to share Jesus with every nation that doesn’t know Him. We show them the Jesus Film in their language and preach Christ.

We have seen people healed; the Lord is still saving people. We’re on this earth for a short while; the people who don’t know Jesus will spend eternity without God. This is urgent—put your hands to the plough and work! We must go to the unreached.


  1. For the unreached dying without Christ.
  2. For more labourers to go to the mission field.
  3. For God’s provision and protection.

Copyright AfriGOmissions 2023

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