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Missionary profile – Racheal Mungai

By Mercy Kambura

On my first night as a missionary in a new land, I couldn’t bear the heat, and I decided to take the first-morning bus back to my life. But God asked me, “Did these people choose to be here?” They didn’t. That was the last time I ever thought of turning away from missions. I’m a missionary with CAPRO. I have served among unreached people groups in Kenya and now as a missionary trainer. As a primary school child, missionaries would come to my school. They were all Caucasian, and in my young mind, I thought being white was a prerequisite for being a missionary. I didn’t even imagine an African could be a missionary until one of my teachers became one. I was exposed to the word of God while still very young. Despite knowing the truth, I was afraid of the commitment to Christ. As a teenager, I attended a prayer meeting. The preacher asked, “If Jesus comes now, where will you be?” I knew I wouldn’t be with Him; it looked like the whole church would go, and Jesus would leave me. I didn’t even wait for the altar call. I went forward, much to the shock of the preacher, and received Christ in my heart. A friend and I visited a prayer centre, and I noticed that everyone else was praying for ‘the nations’ and ‘labourers’ while I was immersed in telling the Lord my many problems. They were missionaries and they invited us to a missions exposure seminar. I didn’t know there were unreached people in Kenya; I developed a passion for the people living without the Gospel.

I wanted to be a missionary but needed to hear God’s voice. I didn’t hear it, so I returned to my job as a secretary in a law firm. I loved that job immensely, but when I reported back, I no longer desired to work there. I knew God had taken over. I resigned and went for my mission training. After the training, I became a missionary among the Munyoyaya people of Kenya. I’m passionate about equipping the African Church to accomplish God’s vision for the Church. I joined a school of missions as a trainer, where I’m still serving. I have found God’s purpose in my life. We have received this Good News. Nobody should withhold anything good. Let us eradicate Gospel poverty. That’s what is delaying the return of the Lord. Everybody needs to have their hands on deck.


  • For wisdom, grace and physical strength. I’m now the head of the East Africa School of Mission.
  • For the Church to arise and support missionaries. Many Christians are afraid because they don’t have partners, not just financially but also in prayer.
  • For more labourers. People need the backing of the Church—we’re keeping people busy with activities in the Church while the world is perishing.
  • For churches to open their doors for people to hear more about missions.

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