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Missionary profile – Mustafa Abubakar

By Mercy Kambura

As a Muslim, the message of Christ crucified for the sin of His people did not make sense to me (and it was foolishness) until the day I heard and by God’s grace truly understood the Holiness and Justice of God and His Law.

It is a waste of time witnessing about Christ crucified without pressing the above to their sin-sick souls at the very beginning. 

You don’t begin with, “Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for you.”

You begin with, “God is holy and Just. You have broken all His Laws and you will certainly go to hell if you die today!”

Then, and only then, will anyone, by God’s grace, appreciate Christ crucified.

My name is Mustafa Abubakar. A husband to Maria and father to Shamsa and Tamani.

Serving with two other brothers, we are doing a church plant in Mombasa. We are CHRIST BIBLE FELLOWSHIP. We started meeting one month ago.

The Lord called and converted me in May 2014. I don’t remember the exact date but it most likely was 9th May. I changed my birthday to that day.

My father is Tanzanian, married to a Kenyan. He passed away a long time ago. We were brought up in a strict Muslim family, attended Madrassa and all the Muslim teachings.

My life perspective started changing when I joined high school. I started having many inward crises. I seriously started seeking answers for questions related to my eternal destiny; death, heaven, hell, eternity… such stuff.

I joined the University of Nairobi. My soul was always restless. I knew for sure that hell is real for Islam taught me that. Islam is all about works. Your good deeds taking you to heaven. I knew certainly that I was heading straight to hell.

I was sexually immoral. I was a sex addict. I was steeped into drugs. I finally dropped out of university. I felt hopeless. I would go to Uhuru park, look into the sky and just cry. I felt a very deep hole in my heart.

Joy and peace were always eluding me. I tried my level best to do good deeds but I was always failing. I knew I couldn’t be good enough. And it frustrated me. I wanted an assurance of heaven which I Islam was not offering. It became glaringly clear that if I am to depend on my good deeds then I am utterly doomed.

I returned back home and continued in this state of frustration and joylessness for three years.

Those three years were the most terrible years of my entire life. Despite not being needy, I had no inward peace whenever I thought of God’s judgment. I found solace in alcohol and sex.

Finally, I heard the gospel preached from Hebrew 9:27. The preacher discoursed on man’s sinfulness, God’s holiness, and the coming judgment.

He finished with the love of God displayed at Calvary. He taught very clearly on the person and work of Christ. I was deeply convicted.

I went home after the meeting, found a bible and read it from Genesis to Revelation in five months.

And the journey began…to date.

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