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Missionary profile – Mukululi and Maude Ncube

By Mercy Kambura

Mukululi and Maude Ncube: Missionaries from Zimbabwe to eSwatini (Swaziland)

Six years ago, I learned that the man who brought me up, the man I called “dad” for over five decades, wasn’t my father. He had never treated me like I wasn’t his son. I experienced the adoption Paul talked about, and my ministry was strengthened as I explained that adoption with a deeper understanding to the people I serve.

Together with my wife, Maude Ncube, I’m now a missionary and disciple-maker serving with IFES in eSwatini. The main goal of our ministry is to work ourselves out of the job, as we strive to disciple people who can sustain themselves spiritually and in leadership. I’m working among students and also part-time at a local church, teaching the Bible and strengthening the Christian students’ movement in the south.  

My passion for young people stems from my salvation experience. I got saved in my second year of high school at a Scripture Union gathering. I had planned to attend the meeting to make fun of the people. The preacher played a song, “I owed the debt I couldn’t pay; Christ paid the debt I couldn’t pay”. The words tore into my heart like a sword. I surrendered to Christ.

Our Scripture Christian Union patron was a keen disciple-maker. He gave me a Bible, and as I read through the New Testament, Paul’s stories of his first missionary journeys excited me. They were going beyond their boundaries to different places. They were achieving much among different tribes, and I wanted that too!

In university, I came across a brother serving with Campus Crusade. I attended the recruitment seminar. He gave his testimony and asked us to not just create great careers, but to bring others to Christ. 

I enjoyed apologetics and making intellectuals see that faith was consistent with intellectualism. I felt a sense of calling to the intellectual community. I was studying economics, and God changed the course of my life.

I’m still in student ministry. I was responsible for 38 campuses in Zimbabwe until in 2008 when I was asked to move to Botswana to reconnect with students’ fellowship. In 2017, IFES asked us to move to eSwatini to re-pioneer the student’s movement.

Young people, don’t waste your time pursuing earthly pleasures. God has called you, so step out in faith. You can serve God in your profession. Think about lifestyle evangelism and let your life point others to Christ. I have served God for 22 years, and I have never seen the righteous forsaken (Ps. 37:25).

Think outside the four walls of the church. Be involved in what God is doing globally.


  • For God to make things clearer. We’re in transition from Eswatini where our ministry has borne fruit.
  • For the Christian student movement in Africa – that more young people may get involved in serving God.

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