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Missionary profile – Gideon Mashauri

By Mercy Kambura

Gideon Mashauri, Democratic Republic of Congo

In 2005, I was a refugee from Democratic Republic of the Congo living in a camp in Nampula, Mozambique. I began sharing the gospel with my fellow refugees and with the Makua people outside the camp.

While there, a missionary loaned me Adoniram Judson’s biography, and I spent hours praying and reading in the bush nearby. The committed prayer life of this man stood out to me. He fully trusted the Lord to provide his needs. This inspired me to spend extravagant time in prayer and fasting.

When I went to this bush area, I constantly prayed God would perform a miracle — grant me leave from the refugee camp to serve Him anywhere. Eventually, a missionary blessed me with money to attend Scott Theological College in Kenya; I studied Theology and Intercultural Studies.

In 2007, I left Maratane Refugee Camp for Congo to secure a passport. But I also desired to marry Rachel. After daily prayer from 2 to 5 am for three weeks, the Lord miraculously provided funds for us through friends. We were married and left a week later for Kenya.

Before graduating, Rachel and I spent six months praying for direction in ministry. God answered when a Tanzanian colleague shared he was tasked to lead a team with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) and African Inland Church Tanzania (AICT).

We accepted his invitation to work in the rural, predominantly Muslim Kondoa district for two and a half years. My team appointed me prayer coordinator. Each Wednesday from 5 to 9 pm, our team prayed for the people by name.

God answered, opening opportunities to share the gospel with those for whom we laboured in prayer.

We were led to work at a church in Nairobi, Kenya, but could not get work permits. God led us to be students in the Africa International University (AIU).

Another prayer adventure began when I was given only provisional admission to attend class. My testimony for the scholarship coordinator connected me to a donor. My student visa did not cover my family, so God miraculously provided a visa for Rachel too.

I completed an MA in Missions (Islamic emphasis), and Rachel completed an MA in Child Development and Family Studies.

Malachi 1:11 says: “For from the rising of the sun to its setting, My name shall be great among the nations, and in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and indeed a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts” (NKJV).

This verse shows the glory of the Lord will be great among the nations. How? I believe through passion and prayer, through trusting and going, through a Spirit-led revelation of the gospel, seeded by faith and service.

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