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Missionary profile – *Gewa

By Mercy Kambura

*Gewa, from Ethiopia to South Sudan and South Asia

I was a missionary in South Sudan, preaching the Word of God and planting churches in the locations of Abowg, Atar and Yabus. One night, our station was attacked and burned down. No one died, but we escaped with only the clothes on our back. We were evacuated to Nairobi, where we debriefed and underwent trauma healing counseling. Four months later, motivated by the Holy Spirit and urged on by my nine-year-old daughter, we packed our bags and went back.

Persecution wasn’t new to me.

I was born in an Ethiopian Orthodox family, and I got saved as a teenager after my teacher shared the gospel with me. After accepting Christ, I faced difficulties and alienation. Even my father tried to kill me when I was sleeping. In school, I was being starved for confessing my faith. I left home and began to live with Christians. The nasty experience in South Sudan was not too hard to overcome because of these occurrences.

I didn’t have any youth ministry or Bible study. God trained me like the first disciples, by reading the Word and listening to the Holy Spirit. I also listened to a Kenyan gospel radio station.

I first went to a Muslim village in Ethiopia for almost three years. Then I went to South Sudan where my wife and I planted about 10 churches. I taught science and math in the school. God gave me favour with the students, and I’d visit their families. The best way to reach out is by letting them see your Christian life.

Later, God called us to a South Asian country in 2017. We served with the tribal house churches to reach an unreached people group. We trained house church leaders and made friendships. It was the only way to reach out in a country that is 98 per cent Muslim. We could not do street preaching or mass evangelism. We shared the Word of God through the Jesus Film. We prayed for the sick and God healed; many believed in Jesus because of that.

I’d like to ask the African Church to keep supporting and praying for missionaries. My home church, Hossana Church, has never stopped supporting us. Follow their example, praying and supporting with what you can.

*Real name not used. Photo is of Yabus, South Sudan.

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