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Missionary profile – Florence Adebola Sowemimo

By Mercy Kambura

Nigerian missionary

When I was born, my parents put tribal marks on both cheeks. Although distinct and conspicuous, I don’t know what they mean. I grew up in a Christian home and even sang in the choir and taught Sunday school, but I wasn’t born again. As a young adult, I met Christ, and He put His mark on me; “He sealed me and gave me the Spirit in my heart as a pledge.” Now, I’m a missionary directing others to Christ and helping them get marked for eternity with God.

Before I became a Christian, some friends had encouraged me to drop out of school, and I almost did. A teacher who had seen my potential talked to me and encouraged me not to drop out. At this moment of confusion, I gave my life to Christ. I studied hard and joined college, where I studied Banking and Finance.

In college, I met a pastor who first taught us about missions. I expressed interest in missions, and he started mentoring me. He advised me to do my industrial attachment in a mission agency.

One day, I whipped up a scrumptious meal for my dinner, and just before I settled down to feast, I heard the Holy Spirit asking me not to eat and go into fasting. I gave my friend the food I had cooked and started fasting. While praying, I felt God leading me to serve Him by reaching a specific State in Nigeria.

I obeyed, and after my prayers, I went preaching and traversed every corner of that city. I met a traditional healer who asked me to leave the environment and never go back, otherwise, he’d rally people to beat me up. I didn’t stop, and they didn’t beat me up by God’s mercies.

I have now served as a missionary for 35 years! I have grown as a missionary in leaps. I’m now serving as the head of administration and as a Training Coordinator with Grace Foundation. I also help teach the children. I studied Banking and Finance and I sometimes work in my agency’s accounting department.

We have trained many missionaries who are now serving in different parts of Nigeria and the world. There is nothing we can do to make God happy other than to serve Him and to win souls for Him. Every church has to send a missionary; how will they go if they are not sent?


  • For God to bring more missionaries into the field—we need more hands on the job.
  • For protection for all the missionaries working within Nigeria and outside.
  • For financial provision and health for all the missionaries serving in different parts of the world.

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