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Missionary profile – Ezèchiel and Judith Adjai

By Mercy Kambura

Ezèchiel and Judith Adjai from Benin to Nigeria and Benin

The preacher asked, “Why are you on this earth?” It suddenly hit me that I didn’t know. I was embarrassed, and so I took three days to pray and ask the Lord why he sent me to the earth. The Lord gave me the purpose of my life – reaching the unreached people with the gospel.

My wife, Judith, and I are now missionaries with CAPRO. We serve in Benin where I am CAPRO’s National Coordinator. We do mobilization, discipleship and coordinate all the mission work in the country. We hope to reach three more unreached people groups in the next couple of years.

Having grown up in a large, nominally Christian (but polygamous) family, I was a confused young man. My parents weren’t born again, although they were Methodists.

I got saved after following a group of young men in hopes of getting a new Bible. It turned out to be an IFES Bible study meeting. There I came to understand that I wasn’t saved and if I died, my place would be hell. I wanted to avoid hell – so I gave my life to Christ.

The Lord put it in my heart to evangelize, and together with some brethren, we organized many meetings to unreached villages. We stayed with them and preached until they understood the message of Christ.

Preaching as my way of life is my passion. My wife and I trained for missions in Nigeria, and went as missionaries there among the Kambari in Kamuku field and Mumuye field.

In Benin, we joined the CAPRO team reaching the Aguna people. Initially, they were very hostile to the gospel. But God helped us, and they have since received it.

If a church is not missional, it’s going to be a dead church. The church should be involved in sending, supporting and praying for missionaries.


  • For members of my extended family that haven’t given their lives to Christ yet.
  • For our life and commission – that the Lord will help us fulfil all he has planned for us.
  • For the Lord to keep providing for our needs and opening doors – we need rent, school fees and upkeep.
  • For more labourers. The work is great, and we are exhausted because we are few. Pray that the Lord will send at least 25 more missionaries in Benin.

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