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Missionary profile – Erasto Simon and Victoria Davidi Chichango

By Mercy Kambura

Erasto Simon and Victoria Davidi Chichango

Tanzanian missionaries in Tanzania and Kenya

Convinced that God wanted me to attend the mission school, I sold the family house to get money for travel documents. But then we had nowhere to go, so I asked the buyer to let us stay for three months. If we didn’t get our documents within that time, we’d be homeless. We prayed that we’d make it, and we did. 

I trained for a year in the CAPRO school of missions in Mombasa, and I’m now on probation in Kaloleni, Kenya, a missionary to the Kamba and the Digo. Before coming here, I served  at Tana River, Kenya, among the Wata people. Many people turned to the Lord, including the village head’s wife and firstborn son. We’re now seeing God draw people to Himself every day.

Nothing in my early life pointed me to this day. Born in Tanzania, my father was a Sheikh, my uncle was a witch doctor, and I was his apprentice. My whole family were Muslims, and accepting to be a Christian was considered the highest form of blasphemy.

One day, a preacher arrived in our village. His testimony sounded uncannily familiar, having been deep in black magic, witchcraft and Islam, just like me. He spoke about our burdens being taken away. I knew I was burdened, and I hadn’t found any help. I decided to try this Jesus.

When I got home and explained what I had done to my parents, they kicked me out. I wasn’t even allowed to pick my clothes. I slept in the local primary school on the floor for days until a friend who was a Christian found me and asked me to go live with him.

I got a manual job and saved enough to take an electronics course and open a phone repair shop. I read the Bible and knew I needed to tell others about my newfound freedom. I started going to the hidden far-away villages to preach.

I’d carry a small speaker and stay for three or four days and preach – going door to door during the day and holding an open-air crusade alone in the evening. I was attending the Tanzania Assemblies of God, and they gave me some youths to be going with me.

In 2018, I felt the Lord wanted me to go to Tanganyika village.

There was no religion, church, or mosque, but lots of witchcraft and alcohol. I was there for two years, preaching until a church grew.

When I attended a mission seminar, I met a CAPRO missionary who told me about taking mission training. I prayed and fasted about it, and in 2021, I sold the family home and left.

This ministry needs prayers.

We can’t walk alone; we need the prayers of all Christians. If you’re not supporting me, it’s like I’m trying to walk on one foot. Church, please pray for our missionaries.


  • For our protection and safety. May God cover us day and night because we face a lot of opposition and spiritual attacks.  
  • For the souls that haven’t yet received Christ to have their eyes opened to the Gospel.
  • For a financial breakthrough in these challenging times.
  • For acceptance and favour before the people we’re reaching.

Copyright AfriGO 2022

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