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Missionary profile – Daudi*

By Mercy Kambura

Kenyan Borana Missionary

While at the mission school, the teacher asked us to open the book of Habakkuk. I boldly told him that my Bible didn’t have such a book! I knew the Gospels, Psalms, and Proverbs. But Habakkuk? Haggai? Obadiah? Who were those? I opened my Bible, and to my shock, they were there! I needed to study the Bible to have a foundation of the Word of God so that I could preach well. I’m a missionary serving in northeastern Kenya. I’m helping the Muslims of northern Kenya discover the treasure in the pages of the Bible and find Christ. I started preaching to my friends; now, my former Imam is a church elder!

As a teenager, I got into drugs and was feared for my temper. I grew up Muslim in a very remote village in northeastern Kenya. I tried all Islamic prayers and went to Muslim spiritual leaders to help me stop doing drugs, but I only got in deeper.

A group of young people came preaching in my village, and one young man landed in my home. He was afraid of me; instead of preaching, he made a simple prayer and left. He said, “If what I’m preaching is true, you’ll see Jesus this time next year.”

Here’s what happened.

While attending a welcome party for a classmate returning from studying in America, I met a former classmate who used to do drugs with me. He had become a Christian. After the party, he took me home and showed me the Jesus Film, pausing to explain it to me. There was an unusual peace as I watched it, and at the end of the film, I gave my life to Christ. It was not more than a year since the young man had prayed for me.

I couldn’t find any Christians and was being pulled to my former life. Korean missionaries from Ephphatha Missions of Africa used to come to my village for three weeks to do Bible training. I was looking for a safe place to study the Word of God, so I went there. The young man who had prayed for me was among the young men being trained!

Several months later, a mission school visited northern Kenya for a short-term mission trip. I volunteered to walk them around. From them, I learned about mission school. I enrolled in a mission school in Uganda.

I developed a heavy heart for the Cushite community and their need to understand the Lordship of Christ. After the training, I returned to northern Kenya as a missionary. I come from northern Kenya, and I have a good understanding of the people group. We moved to a different town seven years ago.

We need to do God’s work the Bible way. We must find out where the Gospel hasn’t reached and go to the front lines. It’s time for Africa to go to their brothers and sisters with the Gospel message. The Church has to be honest and sincere to the Lord. The Kingdom of God will be expanded through the Great Commission; understand and obey the calling.


  • For our families to work in oneness in the mission work.
  • For my children not to be demoralized, sometimes they’re bullied and ridiculed because of our chosen lifestyle.
  • For the Lord to give us the grace we need for the work.
  • For a prayer center that we’re starting.
  • For a mission trip I’m planning to the border towns in a few months. • For the salvation of the community here; they’re difficult to reach and unfriendly to the Gospel.

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