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“Men are the guardians of cultural heritage ” – a missionary moment

There has been an unspoken norm in Samburu that ‘’the gospel is for women and children,” hence little influence at home due to cultural dominance. Men are the guardians of cultural heritage and the stewards of their families’ survival. Their role is to preserve traditions and practices that bond their community to culture. Understanding their influence, we realized that intentional conversations addressing men’s fears of faith and cultural abandonment are crucial for the gospel to flourish, trickling down to women and children.

Our gospel outreach activities began 2 months ago, and the results have exceeded expectations. We’ve held 3 meetings, reaching to over 100 men in Lbaaloltepes, Lorian, and Ledadapoi and the response has been tremendous with over 15 being engaged on Sundays in Loltepes and Legarde for discipleship.

Jonathan Saidimu, A2A Missionary in Samburu

Representative photo by AIM Stories

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