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“It was a great joy” – a missionary moment

There was a five-day intensive training (Kairos course) that teaches about God’s heart for nations and how we can thread into the story. 15 university students participated. 4 Kairos graduates helped in organizing and rendered help while the course was going on.

We had different facilitators across East Africa join us online to facilitate the course. Running this course had its challenges that I was able to learn from. It was a great joy to see students catch the vision of God’s heart to reach the nations.

Feedback from the participants: “I didn’t know that there are people out there that don’t have access to the gospel. Now that I know, I need to  do something about it!” and “I need to change my priority from being self-centered to God-centered.” ”Kairos course has given me a new and better approach to reach people of a different culture.”

-Ugandan mobilizer

Published by AfriGO on 29 April, 2024

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