“Everyone was embarrassed” – a missionary moment
Cultural misunderstandings were a difficulty in my time among a people group with strong cultural taboos and intense control over the lives of women and girls. When the other Christian healthcare workers and I wanted to talk to the young women about menstrual hygiene, we asked a local lady to gather them and organize the session. Unfortunately, this caused the men of the community to be very suspicious about what we might be telling them! We should have gone through the head man, who could have heard our plans and given permission. Instead, everyone was embarrassed and it was quite awkward when the session was stopped abruptly by the men so they could find out what we were talking about. After that, we approached our work with greater sensitivity and humility. However, there were numerous highlights during my time there that stood out. We were witnesses to some individuals accepting faith, we were able to do life together with the different community members, and it was so rewarding to see the girls smile as they got good advice and help regarding hygiene.
– Ugandan healthcare worker serving in a tribal Muslim community in East Africa