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“Don’t accept to be defeated” – a missionary moment

Recap: Daniel’s mother died when he was four, and he struggled terribly with emptiness and family abuse through his childhood. He turned to crime. As a young adult, he decided to end his life, but before he put the pills in his mouth, a broken radio suddenly turned on in his house, urging him to trust in the Lord. He did so and was saved.

Part two of three:

I joined the church as a youth member and took responsibilities there. There was always that stigma around me even in the church but my heart was no longer affected by that because Jesus had healed me. When my faith and my obedience to the Lord advanced considerably, I learned how to play music and mastered singing. I studied Malagasy speech. I became an events and sessions organizer, and every time there was an evangelical festival, I tried to do business. Often I didn’t succeed, but that didn’t discourage me. I thought a lot of things would go well and run smoothly when following the Lord, but that’s not what happened. I often faced failure. Sometimes things go smoothly for a time, and later fail again. I am going through a series of hardships as a result of poverty and difficulties in this country, but I have not left the Lord, and I never think of turning back because I did not make a covenant with a person or a church, but with Jesus Christ.

I eventually reconnected with my father and step-mother who brought me up, and I shared about Jesus to them. They both came to faith, although both have now passed away.

God gave me a good wife and two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.

I did some more studies and added to my skills. Now, many churches call and want to work with me and I do it with love without expecting anything in exchange. I had an issue with the pastor of the church I was part of because they thought I dropped out of membership, and they no longer gave me a role in ministry. I prayed and asked the Lord for his guidance. There was a pastor who knew me and supported me and told me that I am a meaningful person and very useful for God’s work. Not long ago, the pastor started working with ministering to 25 people attending a weekly Tuesday meeting, but now the room is full. My role is to lead praise and worship at this time. I want to encourage us that if the Lord calls you, he always confirms his call. Don’t let go. Don’t accept to be defeated. Stay strong and you will thrive, if you cling to Jesus Christ his purposes will be fulfilled.

– Testimony from Tsimavandy Daniel, Malagasy Missionary

Representative photo from AIM Stories

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