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“A new direction for 11 million ” – a missionary moment


In November, leaders from 17 synods in the Ethiopian Mekane Yesus Church attended a seminar in Hawassa, Ethiopia on how to mobilize and send professionals and businesspeople.

Leaders from 17 synods in the Mekane Yesus Church in Ethiopia are now focusing on recruiting and sending workers, businesspeople and professionals who will serve Jesus among unreached people groups. “The teaching we have received on this has been an eye-opener for us. Now we are ready to do the job,” says head of the church’s mission department, Tilaye Daba.

Mekane Yesus is regarded as the world’s largest Lutheran church. As of today, the church has around 11 million members, and the numbers are growing rapidly. “Growth is part of our DNA. Already when I took confirmation classes, I learned how I was responsible for sharing the gospel with people around me. Our obligation to bring the message about Jesus to new areas and people groups has however not been clearly communicated. We want to do something about this now, says the mission leader.

Leader conference

Last year he was among the representatives when leaders from Mekane Yesus and from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) met in Nairobi. Their aim was to develop ideas on how they can send more professionals and businesspeople to other nations. Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM), which is the biggest mission agency in Norway, initiated the conference, and participated with several leaders. Victor Agbonkpolor from Tent Nigeria and Steinar Opheim from Tent International served as main teachers.

Thank you to Tentmaking Today for letting us share this great news from the mission field! Tentmakers are Christian workers, usually missionaries, who work full-time to support themselves rather than draw support or a salary from a church or individuals.

Published by AfriGO on 13 May, 2024

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