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“A knock at the door” – a missionary moment

Our young family was living at the YWAM centre for some months, going through their Discipleship Training School.  Our budget was very tight, and one morning it really came to a head.  I looked around the kitchen and there was absolutely nothing to feed my three small children.   My husband and I had been praying about the looming situation and asking God to provide, but had told no one about our need.

A knock came on the door and I went to answer it.  A snake had been spotted on the compound and I knew that they were coming to ask my husband to help catch and dispose of it.

I opened the door and found no one there at all. I looked around in confusion and discovered piles of groceries all over our front stoop.  I gasped – there was a fortune in food, along with washing powder and soap; everything that we needed.  Someone had provided us with a month’s worth of food!!  Later we discovered that one of the other missionaries on the compound had received a message from God to provide this for us, and she obeyed joyfully.  It was such an experience of building trust in God’s ability to provide for us.

-Zimbabwean missionary to Namibia

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