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Church Resources

The Church - the body of Christ - is where the mission of obedience to the Great Commission receives its support and personnel. When the body is strong, it can reach out. Below you'll find resources to help your church fulfill the Great Commission, whether it be through Prayer, studies about your part in the mission, or videos to inspire. We recommend the movie The Distant Boat for every church - it takes a hard look at uniquely African challenges in doing missions, and is entertaining to watch. Find it below, as well as our very useful resources of note.


Currently, 5 of the top 10 deadliest places for Christians are in Africa! How to stand with your brothers and sisters in prayer and action? Please take a moment to look at The World Watch List, an annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.  Join us in praying for our persecuted brethren.  The Lord hears.


What we mean by mission mobilization

Is God serious about missions?

The Gap - the Global South must fill it

Why African Christians should engage in missions

Reaching Muslims - creative ideas to reach out

How one Church got everyone involved

Missions from the Majority World - Wanand & Pocock

The importance of families in global missions

Bible Coloring Pages - Type in Your Own Language

Resources you shouldn't miss

The Great Commission - for Africa too

In this moving sermon, Bishop Oscar Muriu challenges the African Church to take its place in the world. He says, "The Church has relocated South and it is booming. 75% of Protestant Christians are found in the Southern Hemisphere." We urge you to watch and be inspired!

The Distant Boat

The Distant Boat tells the fictional story of Max, a young urban Kenyan who has it all: a dream job, a best friend, and a girl he hopes to marry. In the midst of a crisis, Max has a radical encounter with a poor Muslim fisherman named Yusef. Max’s whole life and perspective is challenged when he realizes that Yusef and his people have no church and no Christian witness. After taking time off work to visit his family, Max shares with a wise old uncle his heart for Yusef’s people, and in the process, Max realizes that God may be calling him to be a missionary.