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Panya Baba: The father of Nigerian Missions

Panya Dabo Baba has been described as one of the fathers of modern African missions and the“greatest missiologist of the ECWA” (Evangelical Church Winning All) denomination. Today, 70 years after his first missionary assignment, he continues t...

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What is missional business?

Missional Businesses (MB) are the commercial endeavors of Christians with the intention to use them for missions. Missionaries involved in MB are called of God and sent by the Church to...

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God did not make a table; He made trees

What does the story of the Good Samaritan have to do with Missional Business? Or any business at all? Johnson Asare, the Founder and National Director of Markaz Al Bishara ministries in Tamale, Ghana, draws an eye-opening teaching from the Good Sa...

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East African missionary kids

Wongel (Gospel) Zeleke, Wongel Mulugeta, William Cary, Ephrem Getachew—these are the names of some of our missionary kids (MKs) that represent the message of the gospel and the lives of missionaries. Through the names of their children, our miss...

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Diaspora churches are moving forward God’s purposes

Writing from the UK, I can observe a steady increase in the number of African diaspora churches, or churches of Africans who have been scattered far from their homelands. I believe that God is using migration to allow the body of Christ to be pres...

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Not too young!

Nigeria, the giant of Africa, sometimes gains notoriety for the wrong reasons. Yet here we are raising a generation of young people who, like Josiah, can rise from the ashes of the failure of their elders to establish and fulfill God’s purpose. ...

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Is it really worth the risk?

Is missions worth the risk? It’s one of the biggest questions being asked today. Maybe we should ask: Are the lost worth the risk? Is presenting Jesus to forgotten peoples worth the risk? Or, to put it more sharply:  ...

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Prayer opens doors for the Gospel

In Exodus 17:8-16, we read about Moses and Joshua fighting the Amalekites. Moses tells Joshua to go fight with the soldiers on the battlefield, while he remains on the mountain, his hands raised to God. For as long as Moses’ hands were raised to...

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What if God calls you to be an architect?

Because the workplace is where most of us spend most of our time week after week, it provides a unique opportunity for ministry.

In my years of working with students, several asked me for counsel as they prayed and fasted about starting a c...

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