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When God came calling

Rev. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

Calling. There’s that word again! Who calls? Who is called? Why should I even bother with a “call?” Yet for thousands of years the living God, in His amazing love, has called people to carry out His eternal purpose for his glory.

Indeed, many have heard that call and responded with a joyful yes. Others have heard it and responded with a reluctant “yes,” and others still have heard it and responded with an emphatic no. Jonah said “no” and ended up in the belly of a fish. But even he could not escape the call “for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29).

At first I said “no” too. I had my life planned out. Reluctantly, I was going to be a medical doctor, but certainly not a missionary. A Nigerian, I’d heard the stories of the many who had come to Africa with the good news of Jesus Christ, but I didn’t consider myself one of them. I wasn’t even thinking of supporting mission!

I wanted to live a simple life, with a good wife and some children. I planned to help in my church, but I wanted to leave cross-cultural mission to others. I was certain I knew what was right for me, where I should be and what I should be doing. I expected that God would agree with me – why shouldn’t He?

Yes, I thought that I was certain … until God came calling. I read about the needs of the nations, billions who were dying without ever hearing the gospel. People who would not share eternity with Christ because no one had ever explained to them that He had died for their sins and risen again. I learned that missionaries had lived and died in Africa, dedicated to sharing God’s good news. Many others had provided funds so that they could serve Africans.

Their stories captivated and challenged me. Challenged my complacency and my willingness to accept a religion rather than actively living for Christ. Challenged me to listen as they listened so that, like them, I could hear Christ saying “follow me.”

Hearing God’s call means following Him. It means dying so that we can truly live. Eventually I heard that call, and there has been no looking back. I am a missionary committed to going wherever God leads and doing whatever He calls me to do with the fullness of his joy in what I am doing. Are you hearing his call?

I am happy to introduce you to AfriGO, a new publication dedicated to supporting and encouraging the growing missions movement in Africa! This is the first issue of the quarterly magazine, which will hopefully soon be available both online and in print.

In each issue you will find articles by African missionaries and leaders, as well as news about ministries, people and events. We will also feature articles aimed at answering questions for those who want to get involved in or support world mission. Soon a companion magazine, in French, will be available for Africa’s French-speaking nations.

More and more churches are sending those who have heard God’s call to take the gospel to another culture or country – both in Africa and beyond. That is why “Go” is part of the name of our magazine. It is there because of the “go” in Matthew 28:19, God’s Great Commission!

Too many people are still living and dying without ever coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! May AfriGO help to change that reality.


Rev. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM International Director

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