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Trauma Healing Network

Fatima Mwange

The Trauma Healing Network (THN) launched in September 2012 as a Bible-engagement project of the Bible Society of Namibia. People in Namibia often do not receive effective trauma help because support services are not readily available or affordable for everyone. The most important goal of THN is to cultivate communities which are not only able to handle their own trauma effectively, but can also form a mutual support base. THN’s team of facilitators in Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Malawi aim to bring healing to traumatized people and equip them with skills and knowledge in dealing with trauma.

Trauma interrupts our ability to function in our daily lives and disconnects us from engaging in deep personal relationships. THN’s Programme Coordinator, Fatima Mwange says, “Our work is life-saving because we target root causes of trauma that are often contributors to social, spiritual, and personal issues. We share information on trauma and the new possibilities offered by biblical hope and healing with schools, churches, organizations, and workplaces.”

Online Training for Facilitators

The training equips participants with practical skills to teach and facilitate healing retreats and healing groups. During the training, they learn how to identify and understand trauma and what methods to follow when helping a traumatized person.

Duration: The training program is once a week for six weeks. Meetings are held via Zoom for two hours in the evenings. The session dates and times can be altered to suit the schedule of participants.

Fees: The training fee is USD 45.00 and includes training materials.

Evaluation: A three-month assignment and mentoring period must be completed before a certificate is issued.

The next online course begins soon. Contact us to register:

Facebook: Trauma Healing Network


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