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The Kairos course: responding to God’s heart for the nations

AfriGO Team

The Kairos course, a missions mobilization tool, is generating zeal for participation in God’s redemptive purpose. It is designed to inspire, educate and challenge Christians, and motivate the Church to respond to God’s heart for the nations. Kairos leads to active and meaningful cross-cultural ministry and intentional outreach to those with no access to the good news of Jesus or a viable worshiping community. It is suited to churches, organizations and special interest groups, and facilitators can be trained to run the course in local congregations.

Kairos covers four thematic areas of mission: the biblical foundation; the historical perspective; the strategic aspect; and the cultural dimension. It uses a variety of learning aids, including group discussion, short lecture introductions, PowerPoint presentations, videos and specially-designed activities.

The Kairos journey can help you and your church to understand God’s eternal purpose and discover the missionary thread from Genesis to Revelation. Now in its fourth edition, Kairos is taught in more than 80 countries, and has been translated into 25 languages.

A team of trained facilitators of international reputation run the course. Participants will be inspired and challenged by God’s heartbeat for the lost, and equipped with the tools to play their part more effectively.

For further information about the Kairos course, contact the International New Nations Coordinator, Ebenezer Aryee at: or the Simply Mobilizing website.

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