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Shining Like Stars

Chizoba Noel Adimba

shining like starsShining Like Stars

by Lindsay Brown Published by Intervarsity Press UK, 2006

Shining like Stars: The Power of the Gos­pel in the World’s University is a book about the ever-living Christ impacting the citadels of learning – universities and colleges of the world – through the ministry of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). Founded in 1947, IFES has member movements in more than 150 countries.

Lindsay Brown’s book showcas­es God’s marvellous work through students. Christ is portrayed as Lord of the university, and we are chal­lenged to take the university seriously. Brown stresses the fact that students are powerful and strategic in God’s mission. He paints a picture not just of God’s sovereignty and power in car­rying out his agenda in the world, but also of human courage in the midst of the most daunting odds.

The author brings out the strategic role of IFES in raising and training up local and national church leaders, as wells as marketplace leaders who are making a difference for Christ in their various spheres of influence. His book tells the amazing story of IFES and God’s faithfulness. We see this through the unrelenting toil and perseverance of his faithful disciples (staff, students and graduates), who often work in very challenging contexts.

Brown reminds the Church of the vital and strategic role of student ministry in world evangelisation. He manages to rescue student ministry from the “fringe” of global missions, and places it at the very centre of God’s mission. He shows how student minis­try, though fragile, is God’s instrument to capture the most strategic institu­tion for changing human culture and shaping the future of our world.

The book distils the very princi­ples that have distinguished the IFES ministry, setting them within a solid biblical framework and telling wonderful stories of God’s activity through ordinary human beings. It is inspiring and difficult to put down. It gives the definite impres­sion that the IFES story is still unfolding, leaving readers longing for a sequel!

Lindsay Brown worked with IFES for several years, and served as Gen­eral Secretary. An Oxford University history graduate, he led IFES to phe­nomenal growth and expansion. His book is a dynamic, captivating and informative account of God’s work in the world’s universities.


Reviewed by Chizoba Noel Adimba, NIFES Editor/Communications Officer

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