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Prayer resources

AfriGO Team

This Africa Inland Mission (AIM) site lists 55 African people groups who do not have a reproducing church and information on missionary work among them. Subscribe and receive regular updates. The site offers downloadable fact sheets and a two-page guide to help you use Scripture as a basis for prayer for the lost.


MANI Prayer Network

The prayer network page of the Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) lists valuable websites, many of which are centred on prayer for Africa.  MANI also provides WhatsApp groups to join to pray for the unreached.


Prayer Strategists

This website brings together prayer strategists — people who link their passion and practice of prayer to prayer move­ments with strategic efforts to bring people to Christ. This site offers resources on prayer strategy and global guides in various languages.

Note:  In our prayer issue we shared contact information of the Global Voice of Prayer, but in September of 2024, we notice that GVoP is CLOSED – we don’t have more information.  


Operation World
Originally a book, Operation World’s full website includes links to daily updates and a mobile app to pray for the nations. Subscribe or visit regularly to discover prayer needs for every country, as well as how to pray and how to motivate others to pray.








Global Prayer Digest
Subscribe here for daily prayer emails for the unreached around the world. A monthly guide with a daily paragraph about an unreached people is also available.








The Unreached of the Day

This app is available on iPhone and Android, in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Vietnamese, German and French. It presents a photo, map, basic statistics, profile and prayer items for a different unreached people each day. Browse by country, people name or date.






Jericho Walls PRAYER App
This app includes:
-Daily prayer pointers about global matters in need of breakthrough.
-A daily ‘I PRAYED’ commitment with an option to view the number of others also praying.
-An interactive calendar.
-A daily reminder option.
-A share option to forward the content to social media and email.
-Automatic ‘prayer alerts’ in times of crisis, natural disaster, etc.
-Free access to more than 20 years’ worth of resources covering subjects such as how to pray for your pastor, the church, the nation, teens, children, missions, Bible translation and unreached people groups.



Prayer Movement for Unreached Peoples
This group of mostly Malawians is open to new members. Prayer is for the world’s unreached peoples. Contact Reuben Kachala to join +265992403434

Africa UPG Prayer Group
The group is an initiative of Ethne to Ethne and the 24:14 Coalition. The focus is prayer and missions to the unreached peoples of Africa.

(this link has become broken – contact Ethne for more information:



Praying for Mission Partners
An article on how to pray for missionaries.

Praying for Missionary Kids

Praying for Missionaries


Praying for Urban, Rural and Northern Africa
A 4-minute video by Conrad Mbewe.

this link is no longer working as of 23 May 2024

Praying for Unreached People Groups
An inspirational video, based on the example of the Moravians. 

Watch and Pray for One Hour
This video shows you how to pray for one hour:

Prayer Graphics
The hour that changes the world presents a document and graphic on how to pray for one hour, and a report on the book by the same title.

Other articles and resources from around the web on this topic:
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