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God answers prayers

Dr. Joanna Bogunjoko

5.1 joanna bogunjokoGod answers prayers! My husband, Joshua, and I are living witnesses of many answered prayers. One story comes to mind.

We were in Bible School in Canada and praying because we were completely out of money — none even for groceries or petrol, not even five dollars. Our toddler son was still using diapers and we were down to the last one. I was beginning to fret and was wondering what to do since I had to drop him at a babysitter the next day before going to work.

As usual, Joshua went to check for mail at the post office in our small town. Among the few envelopes was one from a man we had met only a few times at one of our supporting churches. He had a mental illness and Joshua was surprised he would write to us.

He opened the letter and in it was $50 cash, with a note saying he just wanted to bless us. My husband couldn’t believe his eyes. The man’s job was delivering pizza, which didn’t pay much. How incredible that God laid our need on the heart of this brother who needed every dollar he earned. Joshua thanked God and immediately went to the store.

When he arrived home with the diapers, I was also shocked. We held hands and prayed with tears, giving thanks for our brother and knowing that God had answered our prayers in a unique way.

Praise God, He answers prayers!

We all agree that prayer is important, and we must do more of it. But this is not enough. I believe we must have prayer strategies. Why? Because we have a very real enemy that wants to stay hidden while dividing, deceiving, and distracting us from seeking the Lord and building healthy relationships at home, in our neighbourhoods, churches, and ministries. A strategy can be a prayer walk, prayer partners, prayer routines and prayer habits.

When we look at scripture, we see Joshua praying before engaging in a battle. Esther, before risking her life by going to the king without an invitation, asked her people to spend three days fasting and praying. And Jesus, even though He is God, spent time in prayer before choosing His disciples.

What does that tell us? Before you engage in an issue, a ministry, a relationship, or a problem, spend time in prayer first. Go and seek the Lord. When you seek God first in prayer, you are going before the One that knows the solution and can help you through any circumstance.

In this issue, I hope you will be inspired and compelled to renew your prayer life. You will read many short testimonies of answered prayer. You will see resources on prayer that will provide specific points for intercession around the world. You will also read about prayer in the life of missionary doctor Felix Kohol. Our Perspective article is by Pastor Austen Ukachi exhorts us to harness the church’s praying potential. Lastly, we invite you to spend time in prayer for the Maba people of Chad.

May the Lord bless you!

Dr. Joanna Bogunjoko, from Nigeria, served as a medical missionary at Galmi Hospital in Niger. Today she ministers alongside her husband, Joshua, also a doctor, in his role as the International Director of the mission agency, SIM. They have two children whom they raised on the mission field.

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