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People Group: African youth in missions

AfriGO Team

Spoken word is a type of poetry that often focuses on social justice issues. It is also being utilized by young people to proclaim God’s missional message. Across Africa, young people are rising up to take the challenge, but we are also losing part of that generation to materialism, humanism, and atheism. The words of young poet A.F. Asiibii can inspire that generation, in a whole new way:

God’s Word, World, and Work

I was afraid to look through the 10-40 Window, but when I did, what I saw was heartbreaking because I never knew so many people could be found wasting. But he said to me; “It is not their lostness that matters, but their access to the Gospel.”

I could not hold back my willingness, but I sought counsel from my littleness and said to him, “I am young and always broke, I do not have enough to send to these people.” But he said, “It is not the amount that matters, it is an attitude of sacrifice.” Knowing this, I said to him, “Lord, I hold up my wallet with hands that are widely open, use it.”

He again began speaking, “Know these people, do not be people-blind.” Then I remembered Aisha in my neighbourhood and the Mai Suya that sells on the next street. His words made me see that I was to open up my life, welcoming them with open arms into his Kingdom.

“I will go to these people,” I said. “But I have not received a special call from you.” This time, he smiled even broader and asked, “Are you willing and available?” I answered, “Yes, I am. Even though I’m just a college student, I know of some friends who’ll love to join me. Should I get them to come along?” He replied, “Anyone can mobilize, with or without being formally trained.”

Asking his leave, he turned, smiled and said, “These are my last words to you. Go into the world and make friends of all people groups, translating the love you’ve received into their hearts, making them disciples, and welcoming them with open arms into my Kingdom: for I am with you always.” This is God’s word. This is God’s world. This is God’s work. Missions is God’s heart.

 At a glance

  • People under the age of 25 make up 60 per cent of Africa’s population.
  • Young people are pulled in every direction by social media, globalization, and popular trends.
  • More and more youth are leaving the Church of their parents and grandparents, at the same time that young Muslim people are turning to Jesus.

Pray for

  • Bold youth who have a passion to reach the lost elsewhere and among their peers, and parents and mentors to encourage them.
  • A stirring of the Holy Spirit among the youth of Africa, and creativity in sharing the message of Christ.
  • Discipleship and strengthening of emerging young leaders, with an emphasis on humility and sacrifice.
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