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Play your part!

Prosper Isichei addresses key issues facing young people with a heart for mission.

If a young person feels called to mission, what can help confirm that call?

As well as ...

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What can youth offer mission?

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

When we talk about mission, it’s important...

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People groups: the Yao

The majority of the two million Yao people, who live in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania, practice a form of Islam that is intermingled with their traditional animistic ...

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Called: Abusa Gusty and Elina Makhutcha

Later this year my wife, Elina, and I will go as missionaries to Mozambique to work with the Yao people [see back cover]. Our journey started, prayer­fully, nine years ago, but we have had to go through a number of difficulties and setbacks. Desp...

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Go North! Difficult does not mean impossible

We may face danger when we choose to serve God. But someone will have to take a risk in order to bring the gospel to North Africa (NA). Salvation is free, and yet Jesus paid a high price to redeem us. Are we going to remain spectators? The...

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Is it really worth the risk?

Is missions worth the risk? It’s one of the biggest questions being asked today. Maybe we should ask: Are the lost worth the risk? Is presenting Jesus to forgotten peoples worth the risk? Or, to put it more sharply:  ...

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Evaluating risk and caring for missionaries

Risk is part of life, whether we stay home or become a missionary. And yet the parts of the world where Christ remains unknown are mostly the more dangerous ones. And Jesus told us that trouble would be a part of life. While we are not told to see...

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Serving…even when safety isn’t guaranteed

When our Lord Jesus commanded, “Go and make disciples,” He made no qualifications for easy circumstances or conditions. When He said, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost,” He did not limit this to the lost who live in easy...

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People groups: the Tuareg

People Groups: The Tuareg

In early 2016, after 30 years of hard work by the translation team, Tuareg Christians celebrated the completion of the New Testament in their own language. “Now we must read the Word!” said o...

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