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Should we pursue training when souls are perishing?

Missions is an urgent task. Millions of people still live in communities which have never heard the gospel. The consequences of an eternity without Christ are too upsetting to think about. And yet, missionaries delay going to the field or ...

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What is the most useful training for missionaries?

Up until the end of the 20th century, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC) did not have a school where its cross-cultural ministers could receive training or specialize in missions. The majority of cross-cultural missionaries were gr...

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Called: Robert and Carol Bett


The first time my pastor asked me to preach a sermon, I was so insecure that I asked him to write the sermon for me. I had been a Christian since I was a teenager; I read my Bible and believed the Holy Spirit guided me, but...

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Is missionary training necessary?

Is missionary training necessary in 2021? Why should we bother investing in ministry training? One may think if you are a Christian and you have a calling from the Lord, then you are ready to step out and be a missionary. But is being a Christian ...

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Witnessing to Muslims wisely

  1. Fear and ignorance: Seek to understand Islam as a system, and Muslims as a people loved by God, but trapped by the system. Ignorance and fear from Christians hinder witnessing. A Muslim will understand the Gospel in ...

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You can reach out to Muslims: resources to help you

You want to reach out to Muslims around you, but how do you start?  The AfriGO team has compiled books, courses, and videos to assist you. They are all accessible by download or streaming. Some are free, and others cost a small fee.


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People Groups: Hausa

The Hausa are the largest people group in West Africa. For hundreds of years, commerce, fuelled by a network of trade routes across the Sahel, Sahara and Sudan, has spread Hausa culture and language far and wide.

Islam arrived in Ha...

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On the wings of national service

The official at the National Service Secretariat was baffled by the adamance of the two recruits. Why would anyone insist on posting to a remote village when a town with better amenities was available? Most recruits would have paid money for the o...

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The Word that will never return void

By age 12, the young Somali boy had learned the whole Qur’an. He committed long portions of it to memory in Arabic, a language he did not understand. At age 18, he went to live with his uncle in the capital city, Muqdisho (Mogadishu). On...

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Nineveh waits for every Christian

Have you ever wondered why Jonah endured all the drama of going to warn Nineveh of imminent judgement, yet that city had only 120,000 people? Today an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims share our world, out of which 446 million live in Africa alone God...

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