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God is at work in Mali villages

AfriGO Team

In February 2015 Coulibaly started attending a weekly ministry led by Joshua Ngunta, a missionary from Nigeria. It was held in a large city, and Coulibaly came from the countryside. The study drew a collection of people interested in learning about the Bible.

On his second visit, Coulibaly professed his sincere belief in Jesus. So dramatic was his conversion that he immediately asked Joshua if they could go to his village to proclaim the good news that is found only in Christ. “My ministry partner and I were reluctant to go,” says Joshua, “but he persisted, so we chose a date to visit his village.”

By God’s grace, the village warmly welcomed Joshua and his ministry partner. The church there has grown under the leadership of a local Malian pastor, and the people have reached out to another nearby village that had no church. A group of seekers has been meeting in this second village since December 2015.

“We have seen the work of the Holy Spirit there,” Joshua comments. “In one outreach we saw 30 young people and one adult give their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are trusting the Lord to send someone to care for the new believers and start a church in this village.”


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