Financial integrity and accountability in missions
Daniel Salamu
At a training for all our project managers in SIM Burkina Faso, we found Paul’s advice about managing and distributing raised funds very valuable. The churches in Jerusalem were in need because of a serious famine. Over time, Paul raised money for them in Corinth and travelled with a delegation to deliver the funds (2Cor. 8:19-21).
Paul demonstrated integrity and accountability by assuring the churches at Corinth that the delegation handling the funds was trustworthy. The church chose a highly regarded member to accompany Paul and Titus to deliver the funds to Jerusalem. One might ask: Did the church at Corinth not trust Apostle Paul? Is Paul not the one who initiated the fundraising? We find answers in the passage.
• To avoid criticism: When someone has integrity, it means they live above criticism. We can only live this way by being accountable to one another. Our human nature makes us prone to sin and we need checks and balances to keep us from falling into temptation.
• To do what is right: The usual thing, especially as Africans, is to say: “Oh, this is God’s money; no need for too much accountability.” We may feel confident that between us and God, we will do the right thing, but an important principle is to do what is right not only in the eyes of God but also in the eyes of men.
Finally, it is important to understand the African context with its community-focused worldview. This honourable and biblical value can come with the temptation to misappropriate resources in the name of helping community members or kinsmen. This does not result in integrity and accountability.
We must learn to use funds for their designated purposes. We can intentionally set up systems to involve others who would call us to order when things are going off course. In missions, working in a team gives us the opportunity to be influenced by people from different contexts who might have the ability to help us stay in alignment with integrity and accountability.

Dan Salamu is the Director of the SIM West Africa Missions Office