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Equipping health workers for missions

AfriGO Team

Healthcare workers around the world may have a desire to share their faith, but not know how to do so effectively.  The organizations below have trainings and coaching which can help.


*IHS Global® (see article), through partnerships, equips Christian healthcare workers who are already caring for the physical needs of their patients to also care for their spiritual needs. It is a multinational Christian organization which provides training through their Saline Process programme. This 18-month process equips and mobilizes healthcare workers to share the love of Jesus so that patients in hospitals and clinics throughout the world hear about Jesus and experience His compassion through the words and actions of Christian healthcare workers. The programme includes mentoring and follow-up. The community also connects people online and locally to encourage and pray for one another. Almost 50,000 Christian healthcare workers in over 125 countries have been trained through the Saline Process®. Visit to see this free programme and other resources they offer.


The vision of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), now in over 200 countries, is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation. Members participate on a national level, and the Nigerian CMDA is one of their largest groups with over 600 doctors in Nigeria and another 3,000 diaspora doctors on their WhatsApp groups. Anyone can access the resources on their website, which include a database of 168 webinars on topics of current interest to medical professionals.




Scatter Global (SG) is a network and support service for Christian professionals who desire to work outside their home countries in order to share the Gospel. You may browse their catalogue of opportunities, which include a wide variety of jobs in the medical profession. SG will assist in your process through Scatter Coaching, a high-quality career coaching which includes private sessions and support in recognizing your own abilities, interview skills, and job search strategy. Fees are scaled to your circumstances. Visit their website to browse jobs and watch their video series on working overseas as a Christian professional.

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