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Called: Abusa Gusty and Elina Makhutcha

AfriGO Team

Later this year my wife, Elina, and I will go as missionaries to Mozambique to work with the Yao people [see back cover]. Our journey started, prayer­fully, nine years ago, but we have had to go through a number of difficulties and setbacks. Despite this, we have been en­couraged through our personal prayer life and the prayers of others to keep moving forward.

In 2008 I was studying at the Evan­gelical Bible College of Malawi (EBCoM) when I felt called by God to go into mis­sion. This was strengthened through reading books I obtained at a Pastors’ Book Set (PBS) conference that same year.

On graduating from EBCoM I was told by my church, the Africa Evangelical Church (AEC), that there was a greater need for pastors within Malawi than on the mission field. So I was sent to work in Salima, among the Chewa people.

Our journey in prayer has been a long one but it will not finish now

Four years later at another PBS – this one dedicated to mission – I again felt the call to go. Again, we prayed, but still I was not able to move forward with what I was sure was God’s call.

More time passed and in 2015 I approached the AEC about going to Mozambique, but this time I was told there were no funds available to allow this to happen. Then I met Watson Rajaratnam, who serves with SIM Malawi.  Watson started to talk and pray with Elina and me, showing us and our church ways in which I could get the resources we needed to go to the mission field.

He introduced us to the Malawi Mis­sion Prayer Fellowship, a small group of in their hearts. They prayed for us when we visited the area of Mozambique where we hope to serve, and continue to pray for us as we prepare to go. Having this group behind us has been very important and will continue to be so in the future. Group prayer is very powerful and we have been blessed to be part of this.

Our journey in prayer has been a long one but it will not finish now! Each day Elina and I, with our children who will go with us to Mozambique, pray for our preparations and for other missions and missionaries. We are dependent on God, through prayer, for our lives here in Malawi, as we will continue to be in Mozambique.

Mission is God’s work, and we have found over the years that it is vital, as we go forward, that we depend on Him by prayer.

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