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Book Review: Africa to the Rest

Yaw Perbi and Sam Ngugi


Africa is the most Christian continent in the world today. The year 2018 was the first year in history when more Christians lived in Africa than on any other continent. This groundbreaking book celebrates this momentous occasion in world history that has been inadequately highlighted by mainstream missions. It traces some of God’s goodness to Africa in the Bible and throughout history to make clear that Africa and Africans have been central to God’s missional purposes.

Secondly, this book unveils the teeming potential, as well as persistent problems, regarding ‘African missions’, a phrase which would have been paradoxical only 100 years ago. Although this African lead is only going to increase into the foreseeable future  ̶  to the extent that by 2050 Africa will have more Christians than the next two continents combined  ̶  these numbers are not adequately reflected in the number of Africans projected to be carriers of the gospel abroad! This book addresses why that may be so and how this can, and indeed, must change.

Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, International Director of SIM, says, “The collaboration between these two authors models the kind of partnership across organizations and regions that will be key to seizing today’s opportunities and forging solutions to today’s challenges. Their combined knowledge, experience and passion have produced an annal for the history of Christianity that comes not a moment too soon.”

Available on Amazon.              

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