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AfriGO Team

Today in Africa there are many churches, even small ones, that are sending or taking steps towards sending missionaries. A giving church is obeying God s commandment to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. But what if your church is not yet giving financially to mission? Or not giving with zeal and generosity?

If God is calling you to serve Him in mission, that calling begins immediately, not at some future date when you step foot in the “official mission field. Your assignment has already begun. And your first task may be as a missionary ambassador to your church, helping your brothers and sisters in Christ to catch a vision for the nations. This is not something to get out of the way: it is part of every missionary’s lifelong role.

God s priority is people. So He calls us into relationships with others. One of the best ways to raise support is through relationships. Your good relationships with other people will inspire them to collaborate with you in fulfilling God s kingdom work. There are no spectators in His mission! And if the Lord is sending you, He will help you to raise up a team who will be with you, praying and supporting you through the whole process.

Sometimes it is prudent to arrange a mediator who can represent your financial and prayer needs to your church community. This is also a legitimate way forward. At times Jesus sent his disciples ahead to make arrangements for him. He relied on helpers and friends many times during his earthly ministry, and so can we.

If speaking to your pastor or church about your missionary call – and their missionary mandate to send – seems impossible, then remember this: You have joined the ranks of those who are privileged to receive from God an impossible task. He loves to show us that with Him, all things are possible. Welcome to this special group of Christ-followers who are called to do the impossible!

God may allow you to undergo the process of raising financial and prayer support to fortify your character, to develop perseverance and peaceful trust. As a missionary, you will encounter antagonistic people who do not want to hear about Jesus, and are hostile towards the gospel. So use every opportunity now to dig your roots deep into the foundation of your identity in Christ.

What is your identity? You are a masterpiece. “For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10). Remember, you are not fighting for victory in fundraising; you are fighting from victory. You are already a missionary and a masterpiece!

What does the Bible say?

Does Scripture encourage us to support Christian workers?  What does it say about making our needs known?  Examine the following verses:

  • Exodus 25:1-2
  • Deuteronomy 16:17
  • 1 Kings 17:1-16
  • Nehemiah 2:1-8
  • Matthew 10:5-15
  • Luke 8:1-3, 10:1-8, 16:10-11, 21:1-4
  • 1 Corinthians 9:1-18
  • 2 Corinthians 9:7
  • Philippians 4:10-20
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9
  • 1 Timothy 5:17-18
  • 3 John 5:8
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