About us
AfriGO magazine is a missions magazine was started in 2016 to tell the stories of African missionaries and their missionary work across the continent of Africa and beyond.
Our mission
AfriGO magazine wants to encourage the African Church to send, support and pray for African missionaries! This is done through informing the Church about the needs, the opportunities, and the work of African missionaries already on the field. Mobilizing – gathering missionaries – is the work of every church across the continent.
Our vision
The African missions movement is gaining ground. With more Christians than any other continent, Africa is poised to change the world. We want to do our part to empower her Church to send, support and pray.
What we offer
Our quarterly magazine covers a variety of timely and interesting topics like financing missions, involving children in missions, and single people in missions. You can find every issue for free here on our website. Daily, we share inspiration and amazing missionary stories on our social media. Find us on Facebook and Instagram. Or, follow us on WhatsApp, where we share the best of our offerings. Don’t miss our YouTube videos with the thoughts of missions leaders, and deepen your walk with Jesus with the Bible Studies on our free RightNow media channel.
Get Involved
Follow us on our platforms for daily missions inspiration, courses, articles and interviews, as well as Bible videos.
Our managing editor, Kate Azumah, served for 13 years as the Missions Coordinator for Excellent Youth Outreach, a youth ministry in Ghana. During that period, she oversaw more than 50 short-term mission trips to 30 African countries and several others to villages in Northern Ghana. Her belief in the massive potential of African Church to advance the Great Commission motivates her work in missions. She holds a BSc. degree in Business Administration from the University of Ghana and an M.A. degree in Theology and Mission from the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture.

Kate Azumah, Managing Editor for AfriGO magazine
AfriGO was started by SIM in 2016 and published 10 issues before Africa Inland Mission joined them in 2019. Both SIM and AIM are deeply committed to working with the African Church to mobilize into missions. Click on either logo below to visit their websites and learn more about how you can be used in the Great Commission to reach the nations. African missions is vital to fulfilling Jesus' words!