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About us

For more than a century, Africans have served sacrificially in missions, bringing the lost to Jesus Christ and planting churches.  But the 19th and 20th centuries were only a warm-up for a continent where the Church is now well-established and the Holy Spirit is calling even more workers into cross-cultural ministry.

In order to further fan the flames of the African missions movement, AfriGO Christian magazine was launched in 2016.  This quarterly magazine celebrates this history while encouraging the Church's increasing participation in God's global mission.  As the Global South provides new leadership and workers for Gospel proclamation, AfriGO Christian magazine is here to tell the stories, report on the developments, and share news and information to support both pastors and the mission workers they send.

Our prayer is that the African voices speaking through this publication will spur the movement forward until His love and glory is declared across the whole earth!  Our Christian magazine is the outworking of that prayer!!

Welcome! The AfriGO team is glad you are visiting our site. We pray that by engaging with our content, the Lord will stir your heart and nudge you to take steps to work your part in His harvest.
The birthplace for my missions passion was knowing Jesus and the saving power of His death and resurrection—I wanted everyone to know Him too. Sharing the gospel with others was a delight, and at my first Christian camp in Ghana, I was introduced to the practice of praying for countries and to the need for cross-cultural missions.
Fifteen years on, I have been privileged to serve in mobilizing young Africans to pray for the nations and to go on missions trips. I have facilitated and led trips across 30 countries in Africa. AfriGO's mobilization vision excites me. AfriGO is a megaphone that elevates the voices of African missions through sharing the stories, resources and opportunities needed to aid and thrust more Africans into missions.
We hope that you will be blessed by our stories and articles. And by sharing AfriGO with others, may He use you to call more labourers too. For our Lord Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.”
Together for His name and renown,
Kate Azumah
Kate (2)
Kate Azumah, Managing Editor for AfriGO magazine
Christians in africa

The Western Church is shrinking and the churches of the Global South are growing.  In fact, the African Church is projected to be the largest in the world by 2020!  It is time for the emphasis on sending workers to shift from West to South.  To this end, mobilisers all across Africa are calling on the African Church to rise up and accept the role of leadership and the Global leader of sending workers out.

There are still thousands of people around the world, and in Africa, who have not heard the Good News and many who have no opportunity at all to hear the Gospel.  Those communities need a witness.

All who call out to the Lord will be saved.

How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save him, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?  And how can anyone tell them without being sent by the Lord?  The Scriptures say it is a beautiful sight to see even the feet of someone coming to preach the good news.

Romans 10:13-15 (CEV)

AfriGO was started by SIM in 2016 and published 10 issues before Africa Inland Mission joined them in 2019.  Both SIM and AIM are deeply committed to working with the African Church to mobilize into missions.  Click on either logo below to visit their websites and learn more about how you can be used in the Great Commission to reach the nations. African missions is vital to fulfilling Jesus' words!