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Resources on Islam

Muslims are our neighbours, our colleagues and sometimes even family members.  Many of us are unsure how to talk about Islam and are reluctant to engage on religion.  Don't be afraid.  We've brought you some resources to help.  Have a look at our "To help you understand" section, as well as our Courses section.  The evangelistic tools are to train you or give you things to share with your Muslim friends.  Be sure to read the "10 tips for talking to Muslims" at the bottom.  We are grateful to Life-Challenge.org for sharing many of their materials at no cost.

Around the world, there are millions of Muslims who have no Christian witness at all among them.  They need missionaries sent to them, and we encourage you to to find out how you can be involved. Read our issue on Islam to get some ideas.

Featured Resource

If you want to learn more about Islam, a religion that may seem complicated to some, you can use the Field Guides. This is a series of short write-ups by the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies covering different topics on Islam. They are useful tools that provide realistic advice to prepare individuals and churches for ministry among Muslims.

To help you understand

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Resources for evangelism


Man with a Message - a booklet to share


Dear Abdallah - a booklet to share


Destination Unknown - a booklet to share


Dare to Compare - a booklet to share


Made for a Purpose - a booklet to share


The message of Nabi Isa



EWI: an in-depth programme


Learn and Share Training Resource


Reach Out


Battle for the Hearts

The Message of Nabi Isa

In a gentle but clear approach, the simple message of Jesus Christ or Nabi Isa as he is known in Islam, can be shared with Muslim friends and neighbours.

Mission to Muslims impossible?

Five talks on Muslim Evangelism by Walter and Christel Eric. A good introduction to the background of Islam and fruitful ways that Christians can share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

10 tips for talking to Muslims by Jared Oginga

Seek to understand Islam as a system, and Muslims as a people loved by God, but trapped by the system. Ignorance and fear from Christians hinder witnessing, and a Muslim will understand the Gospel in proportion to how you understand his faith, and him as a person.