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Book Launch – A2R: The right message at the right time

AfriGO Team

A2R was successfully launched this year in Accra Ghana, Nairobi Kenya, Vancouver and Montreal in Canada, and at the National African American Mission Conference. Mini-launches took place in Tanzania and Rwanda.

A2R has been well received across the board in Africa and other parts of the world. The feedback is that it is the right book with the right message at the right time. Since the launch, some of the developments include an A2R Podcast with Missio Nexus, an A2R blog for the Lausanne Movement, small study groups in Tanzania and Kenya, and positive online engagements.

Following the Nairobi launch, eight scholars from Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda and the US volunteered to develop an A2R mission curriculum for Bible Schools in Africa. They have been meeting regularly for this purpose, and this is expected to contribute to the ongoing development of African missiology in both scholarship and practice. One reader shared that he feels stirred by A2R to start a kingdom business with proceeds going to missions. A2R is catalysing mission vision and action and the expansion of the African mission movement.

The authors, Sam Ngugi and Yaw Perbi, are currently exploring a French translation for Francophone Africa as well as an audio version to expand its accessibility across Africa.

A2R can be purchased on Amazon Kindle. Other online purchase platforms are Jiji in Kenya and Book Nook Store in Ghana. For more information about the #A2R movement, visit

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